Source code for pysysjava.junittest

Support for compiling/running/validating JUnit test classes from PySys.

If you want to run a whole directory of JUnit tests as a single PySys test, create a PySys test which uses the 
`JUnitTest` class in place of ````. 

For large or long-running JUnit suites it's better to use the `JUnitDescriptorLoader` (configured with a 
``pysysdirconfig.xml`` file). This descriptor loader creates in-memory PySys test descriptors for each JUnit test 
class found under the input directory (each of which is run using `JUnitTest`). This allows each test class to run 
in its own PySys worker thread (with its own JVM process, and its own separate output directory), and provides an 
easier way to re-run failed JUnit classes just as you would for a normal PySys test. It means there is no need to 
create separate ``pysystest.xml`` files on disk for each test class, yet you can interact with them using the 
full power of PySys. 

Both approaches allow the stdout/err (for example log output) to be captured from each testcase, and reporting of 
the (``.java``) location and nature of any test failures, with colour coding (if coloured output is enabled), and 
highlighting of actual vs expected comparison failure, to make it as easy as possible to read the output. 

import pysys
import logging
from pysys.constants import *
from pysys.basetest import BaseTest
from pysys.utils.fileutils import *
from pysys.utils.logutils import BaseLogFormatter
from pysys.xml.descriptor import DescriptorLoader, TestDescriptor

from pysysjava.junitxml import JUnitXMLParser
from pysysjava.javaplugin import JavaPlugin, walkDirTreeContents

[docs]class JUnitTest(BaseTest): """ A test class that compiles and runs one or more JUnit test suites. This class requires the JUnit 5 console launcher, which itself supports running older JUnit 4 testcases - so whichever version you need, you should be covered. To run a set of JUnit tests from a single PySys test, put the unit test .java files in the Input directory, and specify this class in the ``pysystest.xml``:: <data> <class name="JUnitTest" module="${appHome}/pysysjava/junittest"/> ... </data> Compilation happens in `pysys.basetest.BaseTest.setup` (shared across all JUnit tests that use the same source directory), then execution in `pysys.basetest.BaseTest.execute` and finally reads the resulting XML reports and adds outcomes for each testcase in `pysys.basetest.BaseTest.validate`. There are 3 options for customizing the arguments that will be passed to the JUnit console launcher: - ``junitConfigArgs`` should be used for configuration options (e.g. ``--config=``) that should always be used for these tests, typically configured in the ``user-data`` of the test or directory descriptor. - ``junitSelectionArgs`` should be used for ``--select-*`` arguments that identify which tests are covered by this PySys tess, typically a descriptor's ``user-data``. If not specified, selection arguments are automatically added for every package in the compiled classes directory. - ``junitArgs`` exists to provide a way to add one-off arguments runs on the PySys command line (*in addition* to the above arguments), e.g. ``pysys run "-XjunitArgs=-t MYTAG"``. Any classpath requirements or runtime JVM arguments should be customized using the properties described in `pysysjava.javaplugin` such as ``javaClasspath`` and ``jvmArgs``. The JUnit process is given Java system properties for the PySys testcase Input/ directory (``pysys.input``), the test project root directory (``pysys.project.testRootDir``), and if this PySys test has any modes defined, the current mode (``pysys.mode``). """ # NB: although these variables will end up as list[str] we define the defaults as a simple string not [] because we # want to use shell or classpath string-splitting rather than the usual comma-separated splitting algorithm. junitConfigArgs = '' """ JUnit console launcher command line arguments needed to configure the JUnit tests, e.g. ``--config key=value``. If needed, this should be set in the test descriptor ``user-data``. See JUnit documentation for more information about the console launcher command line arguments. """ junitSelectionArgs = '' """ JUnit console launcher command line arguments needed to select which JUnit tests are part of this PySys test, e.g. ``--select-package=myorg.myserver``. If needed, this should be set in the test descriptor ``user-data``. If not specified, selection arguments are automatically added for every package in the compiled classes directory. See JUnit documentation for more information about the console launcher command line arguments. """ junitArgs = '' """ Extra JUnit console launcher command line arguments, which will be used in addition to any `junitConfigArgs` and `junitSelectionArgs`. This is usually not set in a test descriptor ``user-data`` but instead on the PySys command line with ``-X``. For example: ``pysys run -XjunitArgs=a b "--config=foo=bar baz" c d e"``, or more realistically: ``-XjunitArgs=-tMY-TAG`` (to run just the testcases with the specified JUnit tag). See JUnit documentation for more information about the console launcher command line arguments. """ junitFrameworkClasspath = '' """ Must be set as either a project property or in the as test/directory descriptor ``user-data``. The value is a list of jars (delimited by semicolon, os.pathsep, or newline), making up the JUnit framework and the ``junit-platform-console-standalone`` launcher jar. """ junitTimeoutSecs = float(TIMEOUTS['WaitForProcess']) """ The time allowed in total for execution of all JUnit tests. """ # Undocumented properties that could be overridden by a subclass if needed javaclassesDir = 'javaclasses' junitReportsDir = 'junit-reports' _testGenre = 'JUnit' def setup(self): super(JUnitTest, self).setup() # Don't assume that the alias "java" has been used; instead locate it based on class = next((plugin for plugin in self.testPlugins if isinstance(plugin, JavaPlugin)), None) assert, 'This test class requires JavaPlugin to be configured as a <test-plugin> in pysysproject.xml' self.junitFrameworkClasspath = self.junitFrameworkClasspath or self.project.getProperty('junitFrameworkClasspath', '')) if not self.junitFrameworkClasspath or not os.path.exists(self.junitFrameworkClasspath[0]): raise Exception('The junitFrameworkClasspath project (or descriptor) property must be set to a valid list of jars containing the JUnit framework and launcher: %s'%self.junitFrameworkClasspath) # TODO: only compile if no test has already compiled them self.compileTestClasses() def execute(self):**self.getJUnitKwArgs()) def validate(self): self.validateJUnitReports(os.path.join(self.output, self.junitReportsDir)) # The methods above override the standard test class; following are where they are implemented def compileTestClasses(self):,, output=self.javaclassesDir) def getJUnitKwArgs(self): # This is a flexible way to defining the arguments that allows a subclass to make changes if needed testClasses = os.path.join(self.output, self.javaclassesDir) if not os.listdir(testClasses): raise Exception('No classes were found after compiling "%s"'%self.input) classpath =[testClasses] self.log.debug('Executing JUnit tests with classpath: \n%s', '\n'.join(" cp #%-2d : %s%s"%( i+1, pathelement, '' if os.path.exists(pathelement) else ' (does not exist!)') for i, pathelement in enumerate(classpath))) # NB: any items in the descriptor's user-data get automatically assigned as instance variables (unless # overridden with a -X option). argOverrides = args = [ '--config', 'junit.platform.output.capture.stdout=true', '--config', 'junit.platform.output.capture.stderr=true', ] args.extend( selectionArgs = if len(selectionArgs)==0: # If not overridden in the descriptor, use default of "everything" # We want to run all the test classes under this directory; the -d option doesn't seem to work so use the # package option to achieve the same thing. This should be more efficient than scanning the entire # classpath especially if there are a lot of dependencies. with os.scandir(testClasses) as it: for entry in it: if entry.is_dir(): selectionArgs.append('-p') selectionArgs.append( if len(selectionArgs)==0: # Fall back to classpath scan (e.g. maybe all the classes are in the default package) selectionArgs.append('--scan-classpath') args.extend(selectionArgs) customArgs = if customArgs: args.extend(customArgs)'Running with additional JUnit args: \n%s', '\n'.join(" arg #%-2d : %s"%( i+1, a) for i, a in enumerate(customArgs))) args = ['--reports-dir', os.path.join(self.output, self.junitReportsDir), '--disable-ansi-colors', '--classpath=%s'%os.pathsep.join(classpath), ]+args launcher = [cp for cp in self.junitFrameworkClasspath if 'junit-platform-console-standalone' in os.path.basename(cp)] if len(launcher) != 1: raise Exception('Cannot find junit-platform-console-standalone .jar file in the junitFrameworkClasspath: %s', self.junitFrameworkClasspath) kwargs = { 'classOrJar': launcher[0], 'arguments': args, 'expectedExitStatus': 'in [0, 1]', # allow failing tests to be dealt with later, but not complete failure to execure the launcher 'onError': lambda process: [self.logFileContents(process.stderr), self.getExprFromFile(process.stderr, '.+')][-1], 'displayName': 'JUnit %s'%' '.join(a for a in selectionArgs if a not in ['-p', '-c']), 'timeout':self.junitTimeoutSecs, 'stdouterr': 'junit', } if self.mode: kwargs['jvmProps'] = { 'pysys.mode': self.mode, 'pysys.input': self.input, 'pysys.project.testRootDir': self.project.testRootDir, } return kwargs def validateJUnitReports(self, reportsDir): outcomeCounts = { PASSED: 0, SKIPPED: 0, FAILED: 0, BLOCKED: 0, TIMEDOUT: 0, } t = {} # just in case no tests were found at all self.addOutcome(PASSED) # if no failures, pass logSeparator = False alreadyseen = set() # JUnit 5 doesn't do this, but Ant can sometimes generate duplicates for nested test classes for f in sorted(os.listdir(toLongPathSafe(reportsDir))): if f.endswith('.xml'): suite, tests = JUnitXMLParser(toLongPathSafe(reportsDir+'/'+f)).parse() if suite['tests']+suite.get('skipped',0) == 0: self.log.debug('Ignoring suite "%s" which contains no tests', suite['name']) continue if logSeparator:'')'~'*63) logSeparator = True'Results for %d testcases from suite "%s":', suite['tests'], suite['name'])'') for t in tests: key = t['classname']+'.'+t['name'] if key in alreadyseen:'Ignoring duplicate results for %s', key) continue alreadyseen.add(key) outcome = self.validateJUnitTestcaseResult(t) outcomeCounts[outcome] += 1 # some JUnit formats (but not JUnit5) provide stdout/err at the suite level rather than per test if suite.get('stdout') or suite.get('stderr'):'This testsuite produced some stdout/err, see it at: %s', f) totalTestcases = sum(outcomeCounts.values())'~'*63) if totalTestcases == 0: if self.junitArgs: # Allow it if args are customized, they're probably trying to deliberate run a subset self.addOutcome(SKIPPED, 'No tests were found (likely the result of the specified junitArgs)') else: # But otherwise, make it an error, as it's probably a mistake self.addOutcome(BLOCKED, 'No tests were found') elif outcomeCounts[SKIPPED] == totalTestcases: self.addOutcome(SKIPPED, 'All %d %s tests are skipped: %s'%(outcomeCounts[SKIPPED], self._testGenre, t.get('outcomeReason') or '<no reason>')) else:'Summary of all testcase outcomes for %s: %s',, ', '.join('%d %s'%(c,o)for o, c in outcomeCounts.items() if c>0)) def validateJUnitTestcaseResult(self, t): outcome = { 'passed': PASSED, 'failure': FAILED, 'error': BLOCKED, 'skipped': SKIPPED, }.get(t['outcome'], BLOCKED) if outcome in [BLOCKED,FAILED] and 'Timeout' in t.get('outcomeType',''): outcome = TIMEDOUT maintag = BaseLogFormatter.tag(str(outcome).lower())'-- %s %s: %s (%0.1fs)', t['classname'], t['name'], t['outcome'], t['durationSecs'], extra=maintag) # Don't log most details at run unless in debug mode detailLogger = self.log.debug if outcome == PASSED else if 'displayName' in t and t['displayName'] != t['name']: detailLogger(' Display name: %s', t['displayName'], extra=maintag) testFile = os.path.normpath(self.input+'/'+t['classname'].replace('.', '/').split('$')[0]+'.java') if getattr(self, '_cachedPathExists', None) != testFile: # cache the file system lookup self._cachedPathExists, self._cachedPathExistsResult = testFile, os.path.isfile(toLongPathSafe(testFile)) if not self._cachedPathExistsResult: testFile = t['classname'] # this is a reasonable fallback for giving location information else: detailLogger(' Test file: %s', os.path.normpath(fromLongPathSafe(testFile)), extra=maintag) # It's much more useful to set the callRecord to the Java source file rather than this generic .py file callRecord = ['%s:%s'%(testFile, t.get('testFileLine') or '0')] if outcome == PASSED: pass elif 'comparisonActual' in t and outcome == FAILED: # Using assertThat gives us more user-friendly messages when there's a diff failure shouldfail = self.assertThat('expected == actual', expected=t['comparisonExpected'], actual=t['comparisonActual'], testcaseName=t['classname']+'.'+t['name']) # TODO: callRecord=callRecord) assert not shouldfail, 'assertThat did not fail as expected' # should not happen elif outcome == SKIPPED: # don't want to append a skipped outcome since that would override all other outcomes' Skipped because: %s', t['outcomeReason'] or '<unknown reason>', extra=BaseLogFormatter.tag(str(SKIPPED).lower())) else: self.addOutcome(outcome, '%s %s: %s [in %s.%s]'%(self._testGenre, t['outcome'], t['outcomeReason'] or '<unknown reason>', t['classname'], t['name']), callRecord=callRecord) prefix = '\n ' if 'stdout' in t: detailLogger('Testcase stdout from %s: %s', t['name'], prefix+t['stdout'].replace('\n', prefix), extra=BaseLogFormatter.tag(LOG_DEBUG)) if 'stderr' in t: detailLogger('Testcase stderr from %s: %s', t['name'], prefix+t['stderr'].replace('\n', prefix), extra=BaseLogFormatter.tag(LOG_DEBUG)) if 'outcomeDetails' in t: detailLogger('Failure details from %s: %s', t['name'], prefix+t['outcomeDetails'].replace('\n', prefix), extra=BaseLogFormatter.tag(LOG_DEBUG)) detailLogger('') return outcome
log = logging.getLogger('pysys.pysysjava.junittest')
[docs]class JUnitDescriptorLoader(DescriptorLoader): """ A `pysys.xml.descriptor.DescriptorLoader` that dynamically creates a separate PySys test descriptor for each .java JUnit test class found under the ``Input/`` directory. To use this, create a ``pysysdirconfig.xml`` with a user-data element ``junitTestDescriptorForEach``. You may also wish to add a ``junitStripPrefixes`` user-data to strip off long common package names from your test classes and/or an ``id-prefix`` to add a common testId prefix indicating these are JUnit tests. You can also use the ``junit*`` user-data options described in `JUnitTest` and the ``javaClasspath`` and ``jvmArgs`` described in `pysysjava.javaplugin.JavaPlugin`. For example:: <pysysdirconfig> <id-prefix>MyJUnitTests_</id-prefix> <data> <user-data name="junitTestDescriptorForEach" value="class"/> <user-data name="junitStripPrefixes" value="myorg.mytestpackage, myorg2"/> <user-data name="javaClasspath" value="${appHome}/target/logging-jars/*.jar"/> <user-data name="jvmArgs" value="-Xmx256M"/> <user-data name="junitTimeoutSecs" value="600"/> <user-data name="junitConfigArgs" value=""/> </data> </pysysdirconfig> """ def _handleSubDirectory(self, dir, subdirs, files, descriptors, parentDirDefaults, **kwargs): if parentDirDefaults is None: return False thing = parentDirDefaults.userData.get('junitTestDescriptorForEach', None) if not thing: return False # we could support other granularity such as per directory, per test method etc assert thing in ['class', ] stripPrefixes = [x.strip() for x in parentDirDefaults.userData.get('junitStripPrefixes', '').split(',') if x.strip()] # default regex is from the JUnit 5 console launcher includeClassnameRegex = re.compile(parentDirDefaults.userData.get('junitIncludeClassnameRegex', '^(Test.*|.+[.$]Test.*|.*Tests?)$')) includeClassnameRegexCompiled = re.compile(includeClassnameRegex) inputdir = toLongPathSafe(os.path.normpath(fromLongPathSafe(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(parentDirDefaults.file), parentDirDefaults.input)))) found = 0 for entry in walkDirTreeContents(inputdir, dirIgnores=OSWALK_IGNORES): if entry.is_file() and'.java'): classname = entry.path[len(inputdir):-5].strip(os.sep).replace(os.sep, '.') if not includeClassnameRegexCompiled.match(classname): log.debug('Ignoring JUnit class as name does not match regex for tests: "%s"', classname) continue found += 1 userData = dict(parentDirDefaults.userData) userData['junitSelectionArgs'] = '--select-class %s'%classname id = classname for p in stripPrefixes: if id.startswith(p): id = id[len(p):].lstrip('.') break descriptors.append(TestDescriptor( file=fromLongPathSafe(parentDirDefaults.file),, title='JUnit %s - %s'%(thing, classname), groups=[u'junit']+parentDirDefaults.groups, modes=parentDirDefaults.modes, classname="JUnitTest", # pysysjava.junittest.JUnitTest module=os.path.abspath(os.path.splitext(__file__)[0]), purpose = fromLongPathSafe(entry.path), userData = userData, # must ensure output dirs are unique even though lots of classes share the same testDir output=((parentDirDefaults.output+os.sep) if parentDirDefaults.output else '')+classname, # copy everything else across from the defaults input=parentDirDefaults.input, traceability=parentDirDefaults.traceability, executionOrderHint=parentDirDefaults.executionOrderHint, skippedReason=parentDirDefaults.skippedReason, )) if found == 0: raise Exception('No JUnit test .java files found matching "%s" in %s', includeClassnameRegex, fromLongPathSafe(inputdir)) return True # means this directory has been fully handled so don't continue looking for PySys tests under this tree